4 Resources for Increasing Productivity

To Do by Mattox from stock.xchng

We all have something we’d love to accomplish, whether it’s a home improvement project, a creative endeavor, or a task for work. For some people, getting things done is no big deal, but for the rest of us it can seem like our To Do list is a mountain we can’t possibly climb. In my struggle to reach the summit, I’ve come across some resources that have helped me deal with my procrastination and become more productive.

1. How to Kill Writer’s Block and Become a Master Copywriter in Only 3 Hours a Day

This blog post by Robert Bruce delivers on the promise in its impressive title. I don’t want to give the solution away, but I will say that the advice in this post is not limited to copywriting. It could be applied to any project, large or small, that you’re contemplating but having trouble actually accomplishing.

2. Everything You Know About Productivity is Wrong

Jessica Stillman looks at Alexander Kjerulf’s new rules for productivity for knowledge workers. If your project involves creativity or complex thinking, this piece if definitely worth a read, both for the rules themselves and for Jessica’s take on them. You can also read Kjerulf’s original post here.

3. Procrastination: Why You Do It, What to Do About It Now

The writers of this book, Jane B. Burka and Lenora M. Yuen, believe that knowing why you procrastinate is vital if you want to stop, so they spend a good deal of time discussing the many possible whys. I loved this in-depth look at the psychology of procrastination, but if you’re not into whys, you can skip right to the concrete solutions discussed in the second section of the book. These aren’t easy fixes, but if you commit to them, they can help tremendously.

4. Navigating Productivity Advice: Finding What Actually Works

Thursday Bram offers something that could be, in the long run, far more valuable than any one piece of productivity advice: a way to determine what productivity advice will work best for you. We are all individuals, with different fears, passions, and needs. There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to being productive. This post discusses how you can put yourself at the center of your quest to end procrastination and be more productive. Some real food for thought here.

There are countless other resources available on the internet or in your local library or bookstore. These ones have helped me, and I hope they can help you too. If there are books or blog posts that have helped you increase your productivity, or you’d like to pass along your own tips, please feel free to share them in the comments.

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2 thoughts on “4 Resources for Increasing Productivity”

  1. Robin, many thnks for an excellent post. I loved Robert Bruce’s post -so much so I sit down to work in 33 minute 33second bursts. So you had me from the get-go.

    I’m intrigued by the productivity advice, and know it’s easier to write some days than others (some days my 33’33” bursts come up with a whole post each; sometimes it takes 4 to get a half-decent draft! The Mus is asThe Muse does, I guess 😉

    I’ll be looking into the procrastination book (when I get around to it;-) and I love how you finish with a post on panning the advice until you find your personal gold.

    All in all, a cracking post!
    Many thanks,

  2. Thanks, Allan, I’m glad you liked it. Up until recently I was more goal-oriented than time-oriented — I’d try to finish a project all in one go rather than saying, “I have this much time, so I can spend 33 minutes on this project and 33 minutes on this other project.” Trying to do everything in one marathon session didn’t work out too well for me, so I’m excited by the timer method. I’ve experimented a little bit with it and it’s worked so far, so I think I might have a winner. And I definitely hear you as far as the Muse. When she’s there, 33 minutes can go by in a flash, with an amazing amount of work done by the end. When she’s not, it can be an eternity. I’m hoping that if I can be a little better at keeping to a regular schedule, she’ll be a little more willing to appear when I have the time to accommodate her 🙂

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